Bahrain Gateway to the Middle East Market

Bahrain Gateway to the Middle East Market
Bahraini people have high purchasing power and is Thailand’s 9th largest trading partner in the Middle East market. Products and services from Thailand are becoming very popular in the country. Bahraini people often come for vacation and medical treatment in Thailand, along with liking Thai herbal products. With Bahrain’s topography, most crops cannot be cultivated. Therefore, the country has to rely on the import of certain goods.
Bahrain & Thailand Business Opportunities
Thailand and Bahrain share long-standing diplomatic ties. Bahrain serves as a gateway to other countries in the Middle East region, especially Saudi Arabia which is directly connected with the bridge, King Fahd Causeway. Regional tourists, investors and trade representatives often travel to build networks and find new partners in Bahrain.
Start exporting to the Middle East !!
Bahrain is a great potential market for Thai products. Export Thai Products to the Middle East with EAT. Learn more about EAT export services from Thailand to the Middle East – Click Export Services
– Learn more about Thai Mart Bahrain – Click : Opportunities at Thai Mart Bahrain
– Exporting guide to Bahrain – Click : Why export to Bahrain?
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